MDW NTR: Divine Speech by Jacob H. Carruthers


Does the Word in Africa have a proper meaning?

Could a diachronic study of the Word in Africa be undertaken? What is the meaningful particularity of the African Word since the Egyptian Mdw Ntr (hiero-glyphs) to Nommo, the Spoken Word of the Dogon of

Mali? All these questions pertaining to History and Philosophy are carefully and thoroughly examined in this book. It is a great honor to recommend this book not only to the specialist but to all those interested in conducting research in African and African American Studies.

Prof Theophile Obenga

Historian, Egyptologist, author of

African Philosophy During the Period of the Pharaohs

2800 - 330 BCE

This book is a philosophical wake up call. I hope after reading it a large number of people will go beyond the book and find new values (in the works of others)...calling for a total reexamination of the role and contribution of African people to world history.. Deep thought is a weapon in the war for liberation. Prof. Carruthers has helped us sharpen our tools for the intellectual battles of the present and the future.

Prof. John HenrikClarke

Ancestor, maa kherew, teacher, thinker, writer, editor,

mentor to Jacob Carruthers and many others

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